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[ChatGPT 질의응답 003] 세상에서 가장 안전한 나라는 어느 곳인가요?

by 초앤오 2023. 2. 4.

또 다시 돌아왔습니다.

이번 질문은 "세상에서 가장 안전한 나라는 어느 곳인가요?"입니다.

과연 한국이 답변에 나올까요??

ChatGPT에게 "Which country is the safest country in the world?"라고 물어보았습니다.


It's difficult to determine a single country as the "safest" in the world, as safety can be subjective and depends on various factors such as crime rates, political stability, and natural disasters. However, some countries consistently rank high in safety and security, such as:

1. Iceland
2. New Zealand
3. Portugal
4. Austria
5. Denmark

These rankings are based on various indexes and reports, such as the Global Peace Index, which measures factors such as military spending, conflicts, and terrorism. It's important to note that even the safest countries may have some risks, and it's essential to stay informed and prepared when traveling or living abroad.


아쉽게도 한국은 5위 안에 들지 못했네요. 아쉬워서 한국이 얼마나 안전한 나라인지 물어보았습니다.


이에 대한 질문은 "What is the rank of Korea in terms of safety?"입니다.


The ranking of South Korea in terms of safety can vary depending on the source and the criteria used to measure safety. However, it is generally considered to be a safe country. According to the Global Peace Index, South Korea ranks 25th out of 163 countries in terms of peace and security, which is a good indicator of overall safety. The country has a low crime rate, stable political situation, and a well-developed infrastructure, which contribute to its safety ranking. However, like any country, it's important to be aware of potential risks and take precautions, especially in crowded places or tourist areas.


25번째로 안전한 나라라고 하네요! 그래도 상당히 상위권에 위치한 것 같습니다.


미국이 121위인 점과 비교하면 한국은 정말 안전해보입니다.


그럼, 다음에 더 참신한 질의응답을 가지고 돌아오겠습니다.

